
The 3 Things Investors Need Most in 2019

By Fuquan Bilal

Do you have the three things you need most out of your investing for this year and beyond?

Many are finding it hard to make sense of the market right now. The media headlines proclaim the economy is awesome and supercharged with growth and low unemployment. Yet, the hard data and other signals suggest there are some corrections in the works. The bottom line though, is that you need these three things to get you through.

1. Passive Income

Time is the most precious and scarce resource we have. The only way to really get more time is with passive income. We can only become so productive. Then it is up to passive investments to make money so we can spend more time on other things. That’s true whether you are already making millions a year, or are in a high paying career, but are still trading your time for a wage. This is going to be even more critical over the next couple of years. And it doesn’t matter whether or not you own rentals right now, or you think your company is well insulated from a recession. If you’re not getting truly passive income, then it may be time to consider a fund or other vehicle.

2. Downside Protection

Who knows, we may really be in the best economy ever, and real estate prices, stock values and incomes might just keep going up. Of course, the odds are that there is some type of temporary correction in the works. That means it’s just smart to have some tangible, underlying hard assets and to be overcollateralized in order to protect wealth and capital during the months and years ahead.

3. Stable Performance

No single asset is going to perfectly and consistently perform the same forever. And it’s those fluctuations that are really tricky and usually come at the worst times. By diversifying and harnessing great management, we can keep our total portfolio performance steady, and yet without being so over-conservative that we end up with negative yields.

We believe we’ve achieved all this, and the ability to future proof your portfolio through our hybrid fund. Check out how we’re doing it today…

Investment Opportunities

Find out more about investing in secured debt and real estate, go to NNG Capital Fund

This is the Best Day of the Year for Real Estate Investors

By Fuquan Bilal

What is the best day of the year for real estate investors?

I think Mother’s Day is a strong contender. It’s hard to beat from both a business point of view, and in being personally meaningful.

If you’re not a mother yourself, then you’ve got mothers in your life. Either they work with or for you, rent from you, support you in your investing, or are your grandmothers, daughters, cousins or just your neighbors. Everyone can relate.

The Start of a New Season in Real Estate

Mother’s Day really marks the start of a new phase of the market each year. New property listings are popping up to get ahead of the peak buying season. Serious buyers are coming out to sign contracts and set up their summer moves so they are all settled before school starts again in the fall. It can be a fantastic time for Mother’s Day themed open houses.

What Real Estate Investors Can Do For Mothers

The first and most obvious thing we can all do is celebrate and honor the mothers in our lives. That can be in your office, at home and out in the community.

Housing them is a huge deal. One of the best benefits of being in real estate for me is what I can do for my mom. I can house her, and recently bought her a car. I’ve also really enjoyed just taking time to intentionally spend quality time with her to learn from her years of wisdom.

Housing and keeping a roof over their family’s heads is a top concern for moms out there. It keeps them up at night, and working hard. I love giving them a chance to put their families in a safe, healthy and attractive looking place in our rentals and when we sell properties.

As a real estate investor, I believe one of the greatest gifts you can give is sharing your knowledge and experience, and giving the mothers out there the chance to own those benefits for themselves and their children. Host an educational lunch, or turn them onto the PFREI podcast, or take them to an industry event with you.

The workforce and housing market is changing a lot in many cities. That can mean some transition time while getting reskilled for modern jobs, and trying to hang onto homes, and keep up with all the mail and mistakes that some lenders, insurers and tax authorities make in their paperwork. This can all lead to loan defaults and distress, that could have been avoided. If you are investing in mortgage notes this is a great time to do a cash for keys deal, or to modify loans and help moms have a fair chance to get back on track and have a fighting chance to keep their homes.

Let us know what you are doing in real estate around this Mother’s Day on your favorite social media networks and tag us so we can like your posts!

Investment Opportunities

Find out more about investing in secured debt and real estate, go to NNG Capital Fund

Investing Insights from a REAL BLACK BELT

By Tim Houghten

Sensei Gilliland just kicked the real estate bandwagon in half. If you want to lead, get to the gold, and keep it – read this… Real estate master Sensei Gilliland has never claimed to be a real estate investing ‘guru’. He has just put in the work, stayed focused, and refused to be knocked out.

This warrior spirit didn’t just lead him to become one of the youngest martial artists to be ranked in the nation’s top three, for five straight years. It has earned him the title ‘Sensei’ from his students, and makes him one of the few REAL Black Belt Investors.

For nearly 20 years Sensei Gilliland has been investing in real estate and he may be one of only a handful of notable trainers that still makes money from investing in real estate today. So what makes this guy different?


Sensei is the founder of 12 Rounds – ‘The West’s Top Ranked Investor’s Club for Successful Cash & Wealth Building’. We asked Sensei why people keep flocking to his meetup group, and why people should do business with Black Belt Investors. He said: “In 2007 there were over 100 real estate clubs in Southern California alone. When 2008 hit that number was slashed to around a dozen; and two of those left standing were mine. Now there are even more clubs. But who will be standing when the markets flex next time?”

Of his ability to withstand the second most severe recession in our country’s history, and how that is contrasted with the other 90% who folded, Sensei says: “They were very linear in their business models and thinking, and were too busy selling retail. Everyone was just jumping on the bandwagon of these copycats.”

If you really want to try to put Sensei Gilliland to the test in today’s ring he suggests you pull out your phone and see what Google says. We couldn’t resist the challenge! Try it…Talk about ‘mission impossible’. There are pages, upon pages of Google results for Sensei Gilliland, and everything is positive. And this is a guy who says he has never worried much about SEO. Seriously, even your teenager’s toughened video gaming thumbs would probably fall off before you run out of positive reviews of this guy.

Why does Google love Gilliland? He’s got depth. He is established. He has a rock solid reputation. And he has been in the ring since before most people even thought about ever using the internet to search for a home or a home loan.


Most might have heard of Sensei Gilliland for his power packed, hands on, real estate training. Yet, he is still an active investor and is in the market doing deals every day. Sensei says that while you still might catch him helping distressed homeowners and serving up sweet wholesale deals close to home in sunny Southern California, he is also working with serious investors in re-emerging markets such as Cleveland, Kansas City, Indianapolis, and Phoenix, Arizona.

Investors can check out more details and find in-depth research on these markets at:


For new investors, intelligent experienced investors, and even new gurus who don’t want to get KO’d and go belly up, Sensei extends the invitation to step up, and check out the 12 Rounds Investment Club. For information visit: This meetup is for those who want to enjoy long-lasting personal and financial success from their real estate investments.