Rise Up And Take Care Of The Greatest Generation

By Gene Guarino

Should I help take care of the elderly?

I know some of you have been inspired to take care of the elderly or you enjoy doing exactly that, and I want to encourage you to continue to do that. There is a real need for caregivers of all types and that is a looming crisis out there that you can help with right now. There is the opportunity to help, to engage, to be a part of something big and something important. We’re all aging and people are lasting and living longer than ever. The question is, are you going to be a part of the solution that is going to help society or part of those who complain about it and sit back?

seniors-1505938_1280What if I already have a job?

Some of you right now are thinking that you really do like taking care of people but may be busy at another job. If taking care of the elderly is your passion, that’s what you should do. You see, right now there’s a lot of caregivers that are needed to take care of the elderly population, and that crisis is only getting worse because more people need help for longer, but there are fewer caregivers and family members that are willing to do it or are trained properly to do it. So if you are inspired, and you feel the calling, then I encourage you to do exactly that.

Could I just volunteer at an assisted living home?

senior-4549666_1280You can start by volunteering at a home and see if it’s right for you. Read a book, do a puzzle, play cards, sit and talk, play some music, sing along, whatever it is that you can do to be there and interact. Those care homes can use the extra hand and you don’t need to be the caregiver. If you can just be there providing some company, companionship, or a conversation. That alone would be incredibly helpful to those caregivers, and those seniors need it.

Why is this generation called the silent generation?

One of the saddest things In our society today is that more than half of the people polled feel lonely. I think a lot of that is technology. We look at our phones and all of those things that take us away from talking to each other face to face. There’s a lot of seniors who would just love to have somebody stop by and say hello. It really doesn’t take much. It may not even take a conversation as much as just sitting with them. If you’re sitting in your home watching golf over the weekend, why not go sit with them and watch golf providing companionship and then ask them a question, did you ever play golf? What kind of clubs did you use? Before you know it, you’re going to find out about wooden clubs and how they used to play with just three clubs, and that was it, and they played the whole round with three clubs and 1 ball.

You can do this!

Have those conversations. Take that time. The greatest generation, the silent generation, needs your help and you will truly be a part of the solution by simply being “present”. Volunteering your time is one way. Starting a residential assisted living business with an excellent home with excellent care is another. It’s totally up to you, but you can do both.

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Gene Guarino
Residential Assisted Living Academy™

Gene is the President, CEO & Founder of RALAcademy.com. Gene has over 30 years experience in real estate investing and business. Today, Gene is focused on just one thing… investing in the mega-trend of senior assisted housing. He has trained thousands of investors/entrepreneurs throughout the United States how to invest in and operate residential assisted living homes. For over 25 years he has been educating people on the strategies of successful investing, business and self-employment. He now specializes in helping others take advantage of this mega-trend opportunity.

The Federal Reserve Rolled into the US Treasury and Economic Forecast

By David Mashian

In March of 2020, the single biggest news event of the decade hardly got any news coverage, and that is the Federal Reserve just got rolled into the US Treasury Department. This happened in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, so such massive news got drowned out by Corona Virus news and concerns. Most people don’t know what the Federal Reserve is or was. To put it simply, The Fed was a privately-owned banking cartel owned by foreign and domestic wealthy banking families who controlled the economic system of the United States by controlling its money supply. With this single act, the US government now owns “The Fed” and has the ability to govern its own financial destiny without acquiescing to a third-party entity whose interests are not aligned with WE THE PEOPLE. We, through our elected officials, now control our own money supply. THAT IS HUGE!

usa-1026228_1280This bodes well for our economic recovery as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that paralyzed the US. President Trump, through the US Treasury, now has full control over spending money to stimulate economy. As a result, it looks that the US is at the start of a golden age.

With this new power, President Trump can stimulate the economy in the following ways:

  • Historically Low Interest Rates – Interest rates will be maintained at zero until 2022 to be able to stimulate the economy through liquidity and cheap money. We will see continued purchases of homes and a boom in the refinancing of single-family residences – keeping more money in people’s pockets instead of interest payments.
  • Easy Lending Standards and Lots of Stimulus Money – The Federal Government has already provided PPP loans, SBA COVID-19 Disaster Loan Assistance, unemployment benefits, and much more to keep people afloat while we work through the aftermath of this pandemic. There will be more to come, and since President Trump controls the Federal Reserve by way of the US Treasury, there are no obstacles.

Economic Forecast: We Had a Pause – Not a Crash

keyboard-393838_1280I believe we will bounce back soon, be it V-shaped or U-shaped recovery. We have a pro-business President who understands that small businesses are the backbone of the country. There will be lots of investment money available to businesses going forward. In fact, the new version of the Federal Reserve is establishing the Main Street Lending Program to support lending to small and medium-sized businesses that were in sound financial condition before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

There are many factors that still hold true despite the Corona Virus lock down, including a strong jobs market and strong stock market.


  • Strong Jobs Market – People (employers and employees) are eager to start work after being cooped up self-isolating for so long. Similarly, the employers looking to fill positions before the lock down are still looking to fill positions. Also, many of the people who could not work during the pandemic are basically on hold, and will be back at their jobs once the COVID-19 situation clears up. We saw a pretty fast bounce back with the first reopening, and it will things will bounce back again once the coast is clear of COVID-19 in this second wave.
  • Stock Market Strong – The stock market is still strong, and did not suffer a meltdown as a result of the pandemic. Most importantly, people’s retirement funds are secure and confidence in the economy to go back to work is stable. This may largely be a product of unprecedented government and central-bank support, and a lack of compelling alternatives to equities.

Going Forward


  • setting-2473875_1280USMCA Trade Deals Just Took Effect July 1 – The new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a mutually beneficial win for North American workers, farmers, ranchers, and businesses. This will create more balanced, reciprocal trade that supports high-paying jobs for Americans and grows the North American economy.
  • Huge Infrastructure Investments – The Trump administration is preparing an up to $1 trillion infrastructure package focused on transportation projects such as roads and bridges and 5G wireless infrastructure and rural broadband. All infrastructure improvements have the added benefit of creating secondary and tertiary jobs that support the initial infrastructure jobs.
  • Elimination of Payroll Taxes Likely – President Trump is pushing to eliminate payroll taxes. This should boost the economy by putting more money into the pockets of Americans resulting in higher spending for goods and services, speedier repayment of debts, and a faster return to normalcy. This amounts to slightly higher real wages for workers at no higher cost to the employer.

We are in the midst of a recovery, and in the worst-case scenario if we don’t see a recovery, the Federal Reserve can still lower interest rates to negative. Yes, that’s right, negative interest rates. This sounds odd, but many countries around the world, such as Japan, Denmark and Switzerland, currently have negative interest rates. Similarly, right now, the Eurozone, Norway, Sweden, and Bulgaria are at 0% interest rate, with Israel, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia being near 0%. It is a real possibility.

One thing is clear, we are in the midst of a paradigm shift, with a change of perception of money and how money is used and transferred. The power structures that controlled the economic and political systems have changed and more is to come. The once unimaginable is becoming real, and I see great progress for humanity and the planet as a result.

I hope you have found this newsletter helpful. Please feel free to contact me anytime.

Nationwide Real Estate Lending
Contact me now for more information:
David Mashian
[email protected]
Visit us at: https://moneymacloans.com/

Back in Black/Airbnb is on the Upswing

By Michelle Corsetti

At the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Airbnb occupancy rates dipped significantly as people opted to cancel their travel plans. Also, many counties put into place restrictions stopping Airbnb rentals from operating. Some counties restricted all but first responders and essential workers from renting Airbnb locations.

business-2904770_1280However, as of May 28th, there has been a 17.1% increase in occupancy rates. Overall, Airbnb is still down for the year but is hopeful as some restrictions are lifted. The good news is that places with smaller populations are gradually picking up the pace. People are venturing out to get rid of the lockdown blues.

According to Pittsburgh Action News, most rentals have been within 50 miles of home. Since traveling abroad has been halted to a standstill, people are having mini-vacations close to home.

While some people are optimistic about the increase in bookings and sales, others are opting for a more drastic change. CNN reported that some Airbnb hosts are giving up on their short-term rental properties and are proceeding to sell.

new-home-1530833_1280These hosts report that because of loss of sales and income, they are planning on selling not just their properties, but their furnishings as well.

Other hosts are changing from short-term term rentals to long-term rentals to compensate for the loss.

Only time will tell what the real impact of COVID-19 has on Airbnb and other short term rental platforms. As of now, while slow, things are looking on the upswing.

Holly Lynn is still very busy in business as a short-term rental expert and host. If you need your property rented– short-term or long-term, she can do for you what she does best–make you money!

For more information or booking, contact Holly at [email protected] or 415-317-6071.

U.S. Department of Justice Files Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Landlord

By Stephanie Mojica

The U.S. Department of Justice recently filed a lawsuit against an Iowa landlord alleging that he sexually harassed and committed acts of retaliation against a female tenant.

The defendants in the lawsuit are Juan Goitia and 908 Bridge Cooperative in Davenport, Iowa, according to a press release from the Department of Justice. The reported incidents occurred between March and August 2018 and are blatant violations of the Fair Housing Act, according to the Department of Justice.


Goitia, an owner and manager of residential properties, allegedly touched a female tenant’s body on multiple occasions without her consent and made repeated and unwanted sexual remarks, according to the Department of Justice. When the woman filed a fair housing complaint with the Davenport Commission on Civil Rights (DCRC) and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), he engaged in acts of retaliation against her, according to the Department of Justice. The press release did not elaborate upon what those alleged acts of retaliation were.

“No woman should have to endure sexual harassment to keep her home,” Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband of the Civil Rights Division said in the press release. “The Fair Housing Act protects tenants from sexual harassment and retaliation by their landlords, and the Justice Department will vigorously pursue those who engage in such reprehensible and illegal conduct.”

After the DCRC and HUD investigated the woman’s fair housing complaint, they forwarded it to the Department of Justice for further action. The lawsuit filed on June 29th calls for the woman to be compensated financially. Also, the Department of Justice asked for a court order to be issued to prevent further discrimination against the woman.

“Women have a hard enough time finding a decent affordable place to live without having to be subjected to unwanted sexual advances,” Assistant Secretary Anna Maria Farias of HUD’s Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Office said in the press release. “HUD applauds the action the Justice Department is taking in this matter and remains committed to working together to protect the housing rights of women when those rights are violated.”

Vacation Rental Investment Opportunities

By Rick Tobin

In 2019, the travel and tourism sector represented 10.4% of the global GDP (Gross Domestic Product), including vacation rental properties. Over the past 12 years back when the best known vacation rental company named Airbnb was formed in San Francisco, each consecutive year for vacation rentals had record growth. However, the current 2020 year has experienced some significant economic challenges related to the global pandemic designation that slowed down travel tremendously.

airbnb-3399753_1280Airbnb is the best known vacation rental company in the world because it’s the largest. However, there are many other popular vacation space rental brands under the names of HomeAway, VRBO, Booking Holdings, Trivago, Booking.com, Homestay, and TripAdvisor.

Vacation rental ownership can become either a part-time or full-time career for property owners if they are consistent with their marketing efforts, treat their guests fairly, and have affordable monthly mortgage payments and maintenance expenses. With today’s record low mortgage rates, many property owners may be able to refinance and reduce their mortgage rate by 2% or 3% while increasing their net cash flow by $500 or $600 per month, depending upon their loan amount.

Let’s take a look below at some of the latest vacation rental data trends:

Vacation Rental Properties, Income, & User Numbers

  • Worldwide, an estimated $57.669 billion (USD) was generated in 2019.
  • The projected number of vacation rental users was over 297 million.
  • According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 30% of vacation rental or second-home property homeowners also leased them as short-term rentals in 2018.
  • The NAR reported that 32% of investment homeowners were likely to lease them as short-term rentals.
  • Of the nine million second homes in the US, approximately 44% were professionally managed and upwards of 25% to 35% were rented out, per Hostfully.
  • There are more than 23,000 vacation rental companies across the nation.
  • As per VRM Intel, 45% of investment property buyers purchased their property with the intent to generate some rental income instead of just “fixing and flipping” or holding long-term for price appreciation.
  • It’s projected by Statista that the number of vacation rental users may surpass 57 million by 2023.
  • The average revenue per user (ARPU) reached $438.49, according to Statista.
  • Vacation rental income comprises about 24% of the average owner’s total overall annual income, per VRMA.
  • VRBO estimates that 29% of vacation properties are owned by more than one person.
  • Approximately 63% of investors and 52% of vacation property buyers purchased a detached single-family home with a median size of 1,500 square feet, according to VRM Intel.

Airbnb Statistics

  • businessman-2682712_1280In the US, there are more than 660,000 host properties.
  • Since the formation of Airbnb in 2008, there have been over 500 million Airbnb stays.
  • There are more than seven million listings in over 220 countries and regions.
  • There are 150 million users worldwide.
  • There were over 100,000 host cities worldwide as of January 2020.
  • Each night, there are over 2 million people staying at Airbnb rentals worldwide.
  • On average, six guests check into an Airbnb every single second.

Top 10 Profitable Airbnb Regions

Surprisingly, many of the most profitable Airbnb areas were located outside of a major tourist hub, crowded metropolitan region like in New York City, or in scenic coastal regions, according to an analysis by the investment property exchange company IPX 1031. This is partly because the host’s property maintenance and mortgage costs are generally more reasonable than in pricier metropolitan regions.

In 2019, the Top 10 cities for highest profit margins for property hosts included:

#1 – Moreno Valley, California: $33,720 annual profit
#2 – Virginia Beach, Virginia: $32,208 annual profit
#3 – Pasadena, Texas: $29,988 annual profit
#4 – Garden Grove, California: $29,772 annual profit
#5 – Fremont, California: $26,700 annual profit
#6 – Grand Prairie, Texas: $24,432 annual profit
#7 – Columbus, Georgia: $23,820 annual profit
#8 – Oxnard, California: $23,256 annual profit
#9 – Orlando, Florida: $22,020 annual profit
#10 – Shreveport, Louisiana: $19,992 annual profit

Top Airbnb Destinations for Summer

beach-1838501_1280In the summer of 2019, the top Airbnb destinations in the entire nation for the peak travel season were ranked as follows:

#1 – Los Angeles
#2 – San Diego
#3 – Phoenix
#4 – San Francisco
#5 – New York City

In San Diego, Airbnb reported that there were 345,000 guests that generated upwards of $79 million in revenue for the property hosts. For the smaller neighborhood regions in San Diego County, the most popular areas for Airbnb travelers included:

#1 – Pacific Beach
#2 – Mission Beach
#3 – East Village
#4 – North Park
#5 – Ocean Beach

The Global Pandemic’s Effect on Tourism and Investments

In February and March 2020, the Dow Jones stock index experienced eight of the 10 worst all-time trading days in history due to investor fears about the coronavirus pandemic. Between February 12th when the Dow peaked at 29,551.42 on February 12th and March 23rd when the Dow plummeted to a low of 18,213.65, the Dow lost 38% of its overall percentage value in just over five weeks. However, stock prices have been moving much higher through the end of June as the Dow Jones had the best quarter since 1987 and the S&P 500 index had the most positive quarter in 22 years.


Unfortunately, the travel and tourism industry has been hit hard during the first half of 2020 due to so many hotel, motel, theme park, and transportation restrictions or complete shutdowns. For many vacation rental owners, they have seen their income fall to lower levels than in previous years. If so, the loss of rental income has inspired some vacation property owners to think about either selling or refinancing their property to generate much needed cash or to hopefully improve their monthly net cash flow.

Surprisingly, real estate continued to have much more positive news than perhaps any other investment sector during the 1st half of 2020. Specifically, the fact that 30-year mortgage rates reached all-time record lows in the month of June was probably the primary reason why as some rates hovered somewhere in the mid-2% rate range. By comparison, the 30-year fixed mortgage rate hit a whopping 18.63% in October 1981.

profits-1953616_1280Other positive first half of 2020 trends for real estate and mortgages included:

  • Mortgage application numbers reached 11 year highs.
  • Home purchase applications also rose to 11 year highs while home inventory remains low.
  • Suburban home market regions are expected to hit record boom sales highs because so many people want out of crowded metropolitan regions while realizing that they can work from home.
  • US home prices rose for the 9th consecutive month in April, per Case-Shiller.
  • Prices of the most affordable third of US homes increased 5.5% during the 2nd quarter, per Redfin.

In the second half of 2020 and beyond, more people will likely be very eager to start traveling again after being restricted from travel for much of 2020. As a result, the revenue streams for vacation rental hosts may continue back towards historic highs if the annual positive data trends continue like they have over the past 12 years.


Rick-Tobin-Professional-Pic-sharperRick Tobin

Rick Tobin has a diversified background in both the real estate and securities fields for the past 30+ years. He has held seven (7) different real estate and securities brokerage licenses to date, and is a graduate of the University of Southern California. Rick has an extensive background in the financing of residential and commercial properties around the U.S with debt, equity, and mezzanine money. His funding sources have included banks, life insurance companies, REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), equity funds, and foreign money sources. You can visit Rick Tobin at RealLoans.com for more details.

We Snagged The Nation’s TOP Lease Option Educator

Dear Serious Real Estate Investor;

As the market changes from a SELLERS’ market to a BUYERS’ market, there are a few strategies that are going to CRUSH it.

The easiest and fastest one to implement?


This is where John Jackson comes in.

In case you are not familiar with who John Jackson is, John is considered the nation’s TOP educator when it comes to the subject of Lease Options.

John Jackson 2

So why am I introducing you to John?

Because the market is CHANGING and it is quickly becoming a BUYER’S market, and what is the BEST and most SIMPLE strategy in a buyer’s market?


You see, the post pandemic market is about to make a dramatic shift over the next several months and possibly years.

Will it be as bad as 2008?

I don’t know for certain. Nobody does.

But as things unfold there will be a LOT of uncertainty and sellers needing help. Because of this I wanted to introduce you to John who is a good friend of mine and is THE go-to guy in uncertain or down markets.

You’ve probably heard me mention John before as we’ve known each other a number of years.

John is often called the “King of Lease Options” and with good reason. He has specialized in lease options since 2003, and has even taught a number of the nation’s top educators.

Let’s just say this. He is THE guy that even the top educators call when they have a question or often times send their students to.

I guess you could almost call him the “Yoda of Lease Options”!

You see, the real estate world is just STARTING to see challenges and in the coming months it will be progressively harder and harder for sellers to sell, and lease options are the BEST strategy in a market like this.

Lease options THRIVE in a down market and the market we are going to see could be similar to 2008, and there is no greater educator on lease options than John.

Sellers will be more and more desperate for a Plan B and lease options are the PERFECT Plan B, BUT, you have to know how to structure them properly for a Win-Win-Win transaction.

Now, because John Jackson is extremely sought after right now given the market, and this is such TIME SENSITIVE training, you will NOT want to miss this virtual event.

Let me be VERY clear on a few things so that you understand EXACTLY how important this training is:

  • John has offered to do a LIVE virtual training.
    This is LIVE, not pre-recorded.
  • Because of this, John will only be doing ONE training,
    this Thursday July 2nd at 3 PM CENTRAL
  • He will be taking questions on the call.
  • He is THE Texas lease options expert as well,
    so if you are from Texas, he is your guy.
  • The platform only holds 100 REGISTRANTS! PERIOD!
  • Using the lease option strategies he will be teaching, you can
    easily make $10,000 on houses with no equity WHILE helping sellers.
  • Nobody else offers this training but John Jackson
  • The platform only holds 100 REGISTRANTS. Period.

I will be e-mailing you a number of e-mails with the opportunity to register over the next few days, but let’s be honest here.

John is one of the most sought after educators in real estate right now, and what he will be sharing on this training is VITAL to help sellers and buyers in the coming post-pandemic market.

So, if you wait to register, you risk NOT getting a spot at the table. And in case you are wondering, this e-mail just went out to over 72,000 people. Yes, that’s right, 72,000 people, but only 100 will even have a chance.

Are you going to be one of them?

When: Thursday July 2nd, 3:00 PM CENTRAL.


To your success,
Linda Pliagas
Realty411 & REI Wealth Magazines

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Sales Process – Best Practices

By Dan Harkey

Do you ever think that for some reason you are not getting the results you want in your sales career? Do you have feelings that you try, but it is just not working? Maybe you need a minor tune-up, or perhaps a major overhaul.

Let us review the sales process:

Some people think that sales are concluded by what is verbalized in some learned word sequence, and how those words are used to convince a prospect to purchase products, goods, or services. Some may even think the correct method is for the salesperson to use slick language, ask questions that require a certain type of answer, handle objections, and a sequential closing interaction with the potential buyer. Granted, knowing your product, a good prospecting system, and training about the sales sequence is important. No doubt!


I subscribe to a bit of a different philosophy. “You locate a buyer, rather than create a buyer.” If you have a large enough group of prospects and keep yourself in front of their conscientious thoughts, they will most likely think of you if they need your services. Also, you should constantly work on developing and nurturing a like-and-trust relationship.

The first requirement is to develop a thorough understanding of your products, goods, or services with which you are involved. Thorough explanation of the technical aspects and benefits is a must. Handling questions about the function, usability, quality, durability, and pricing is important. What are the benefits of owning the product or purchasing the service, or investment?

Success in the sales profession is a learned proposition. What I mean by that is I do not believe that there are natural born, predestined successful salespeople. Some may start earlier than others, even in childhood, by gaining the personal confidence and developing characteristics that are required to be a successful salesperson.

80/20 Rule:

eighty-706881_1280The 80/20 concept applies to almost all sales endeavors. 20% of the salespeople account for 80% of the total sales volume in industries. Correspondingly, 20% of the salespeople make 80% of the available income. The remaining 80% of the salespeople receive a meager portion of the remaining 20% of available income. The 80/20 rule also applies to the quality of your “active” prospects. You will create 80% of your new business transactions out of 20% of your “active” leads. The salesperson’s job is to focus on the 20% and to convert member(s) of the remaining 80% into the upper 20% referred to as “active.”

Marketing Strategies:

There are various marketing strategies used in solicitation including face-to-face networking in groups, interactive relationships in industry-related groups, direct mail, email, and direct calling. Direct calling may either be cold calling, repeat calling to maintain contact, or to follow active leads. All are within the scope of solicitation and are for starting and nurturing an ongoing relationships. What do you have to offer that might have significant benefits to the prospective purchaser? All methods consist of a strategy to convert prospects into an active relationship with you, including establishing business relationships and friendships. “Active” consists of a group that has communicated with you and expressed an interest in your product, goods, or services. Of course, “actives” can become friends and friends do business with friends! Business success, as well as life in general, functions much better with many friendships. This includes happiness, mental health, self-actualization, and monetary gain.


Developing a large network of leads and personal relationships takes a lot of focused time and effort. Merely locating and purchasing a list does little. A list should be created and maintained constantly for a large subset group that may be interested in what you have to offer. The list will need to be appended, which means it is sent out to an email marketing vendor who can verify whether the address and email address are still correct. The list will need to be imported into a customer relations software system to begin efficient daily management of the data. The list needs to be worked daily to convert people from “cold” or “warm”, into “active.” What I mean by daily is not to call the same people but to work your list by calling each person periodically such as every 60 or 90 days. Excessively frequent calls could be considered pestering.

Information contained in the list will need to be constantly updated and expanded because people move jobs, companies go out of business, show disinterest or disrespect, habitually fail to return phone calls or email requests, retire, change names, change email addresses, change business locations, a change in life circumstances, etc. The “active” prospects in your network are the only ones that you may reliably count on in determining the size of your network or lead base. Also, even with a sizeable “active” lead base, you will lose 20% to 30% of them per year for all the reasons stated.

After much time of consistent follow up without real response or success, such as 24 months, you may elect to drop the prospects from your “active” list and cease active follow up. Dropped leads will be replaced with “warm” leads that become “active”, and new relationships. The other option is to only call or email them occasionally, such as twice a year. The fundamental aspect of the process is that it is a sequential daily action system.


Here is a suggested action that you should take for someone who routinely or habitually does not respond to your request to communicate; send an email that states “Fred, I have tried to contact you a few times, without success. Would you prefer that I do not bother you?” If Fred wants to continue the relationship, he will respond. Fred may respond politely and say “no,” or just not respond at all. If Fred does not respond, then you may demote him back to “cold” and keep him in your database email marketing system for future interest and referrals. “Cold” leads do not get active personal follow up. If Fred is disrespectful or belligerent, just delete his record entirely. A poor strategy is to follow up with the same group of prospects, even when they show non-responsiveness or disinterest.

As the process becomes well lubricated through practice and experience, you can expect increasing momentum until you have so much business that you are forced to slow down marketing and personal contact follow-up in order to assimilate the additional new business, and/or new transactions.

Action Habits:

What size is your “universe of active possibilities.” Are there 10’s, 100’s, 1,000’s, or 10,000’s of prospects that you may be able to directly or indirectly follow up or market to? You have a current network size or number of “actives” and “prospects.”. Each person that you have in your follow-up system has a separate size of their own network. If you add the size of your network to the size of all the networks of each party that you market, you can establish a total, or “universe” of contacts. The question becomes, do you and each person that you follow up have a large enough network and a consistent daily action habit to develop a successful and sustainable career?

smartphone-1445489_1280Here are three different examples of persons that you may solicit in your “active” lead base. The distinction is whether both you and the person that you are following up with have their own separate and consistent daily action habit?

1) You have 10 “active” leads in your universe. Another person that you follow up with consistently has a total of 10 “active” leads in their network. If you communicated with your 10 each month or each quarter, and they in turn communicated with their 10 leads then the total universe of “active” possibilities would be 100.

2) You have medium-size networks such as 200 to 400 but fail to engage in a consistent daily action habit. Failure to engage may become your barrier. It will be necessary for you to change your action pattern. Calling, emailing and/or communicating consistently with at least 20 active prospects daily is a good start. 20 is not a magic number, but if you call and they enjoy talking to you, that may be all you can handle. Otherwise, you may be calling 20 to 30 “actives” per day including completed and non-answered calls and follow up with a polite “thank you” email.

3) You have 400 or more “active” leads in your network that you follow up each month or each quarter with a good action habit. The person you follow up also has 400 or more potential leads that they follow up consistently with a good action habit. 400 X 400= a total of 160,000 universes of possibilities.

The purpose of these examples is to serve as a reminder that if you want to be successful, then associate and follow up with other correspondingly successful people who also have large networks. Imagine having 1,000 different people who are receptive to taking a call from you, showing respect and enjoying the conversation, who also have a large network of their own. This, of course, is an example.

There will be a natural point that you will not be able to keep up with the pace, because you will have way too much business. You may need to hire an assistant to leverage your time and effectiveness. This assistant may be an employee or an independent contractor. The minute that you have spare time from handling all your new business, you will restart the process all over. The real magic will begin to occur when business acquaintances become friends. I have said this repeatedly, “friends do business with friends.”

Calling and emailing are not the only mediums of communication, but they are highly effective.

digitization-4813408_1280Remember that a prospect list can disintegrate over-night. In 2006 my company was primarily using direct mail, and we sent out about 1,000,000 letter form solicitations each month. Then by September 2007, the market crashed, and the lead base quality crashed with it. Hundreds of thousands of real estate agents, loan agents, investors, and builders/developers left the industry.

Over time when the dust and smoke cleared it was necessary to reconstruct a new list and start all over. Prepare for this event! If a crash in the quality of your lead base occurs consolidate down to your “actives” after verifying that they are still there. The entire process is a system that I refer to as a best practices action system.

Remember the concept “you locate a buyer; you do not create a buyer.”


Dan Harkey
Business and Private Money Finance Consultant
Cell 949 533 8315
[email protected]

Premiums: How Much and For How Long

By Gabby Darroch

Let’s talk about premiums, because, let’s face it, no one likes to pay them. But what if you began to look at them like deposits instead of payments? With The Money Multiplier Method, that’s really what they are.

How much does my premium (or deposit) have to be?

question-3838906_1280You are incomplete control of what you want your deposit to be. Now, in order for your policy to do what we want it to, which is to make you the bank and generate wealth over time, we do have suggestions on what it should be. That looks something like this:

(Your Age) x 10 = (Minimum Monthly Deposit Amount)

For example, Sally is 35 years old. So her minimum monthly deposit would be $350 (35 x 10). Again, we have it structured this way so you benefit the most from your policy.

Of course, you aren’t limited to monthly deposits. How often you want to pay is up to you as well. In fact, you can change your deposit frequency at any time. Most people opt for the monthly deposits, which is why we use that in this example. And who has ever really made “too many” deposits?

How long do I have to make deposits for?

In a typical policy, we will settle on what your premium deposit should be for the first five years. This premium deposit will include a paid up additions rider that accelerates the growth of the policy. In year six, you will then pay roughly forty percent less in premiums as the rider will have dropped off and no longer be necessary. For example, if you are paying a premium of $10,000 for five years, this includes a $6,000 paid up additions rider so in year six, you’ll only make a deposit of $4,000 for the remaining life of your policy.


Of course, that paid up additions rider can still be of value. That $6,000 (or whatever your paid up additions amount is) can then be used, along with any other funds you have, to start another policy. Consider it similar to a “branch office” because you are the bank now. And don’t banks have multiple locations? Why shouldn’t you?

As we always say, there are specific situations with all of our clients and our Money Multiplier Mentors are trained to help you make the best decisions in growing your family’s wealth. When you meet with one of them, ask them about your options and what will work best for your lifestyle.

Can I make a lower or higher deposit if I want to?

Absolutely. What you pay towards your premium is entirely up to you. We have never and will never tell you how much money to put towards your premium. We do like to note that the higher the premium, the better the return in your cash account.

money-3219298_1280And if you have the means to deposit an additional lump sum of money (called “overfunding”) with your premium deposit this would accelerate the growth of your policy even more.

Keep in mind, if you take out a policy, you can always reduce your premium on that policy. You cannot increase your premium amount on the particular policy, but you can take out a new policy in addition to your initial policy. In fact, many of our members end up taking out multiple policies once they see the benefits of their initial policy.

Deciding on your premium deposit amount and frequency doesn’t have to be scary. On the contrary, we are with you every step of the way to make sure your policy fits your lifestyle in every way. As your life changes, so does your policy, as it should.

Your policy, your premiums, your way. This is what it feels like to be in control of your money.

To learn more about this method and what it can do for you, please visit www.TheMoneyMultiplier.com , scroll to the very bottom and click on “Member Area.” Enter the password “bankwithbrent” and watch the presentation that appears on the next page.

When you’re ready to get started on creating your financial legacy or if you have more questions, please email us at [email protected], or give us a call at 386-456-9335, and one of our mentors will be in touch with you.

The (Bad) Spend Trend

By Gabby Darroch

Einstein once said, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” And when someone with a brain that powerful and with knowledge that brilliant tells me to pay attention, guess what I’m going to do–pay attention!

What he’s really saying is this: There is more to spending and earning money than meets the eye. We are taught (wrong) to think about money one way: Money is necessary to live. You must work to earn it, only to spend it on things you need. But once that money is spent, it’s gone forever, right?

It doesn’t have to be. Not with The Money Multiplier Method at work.

earn-3172501_1280Robert Kiyosaki, mentor to the millionaires and author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, has explained one crucial difference between the rich and the poor. He says, “The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.” Kiyosaki points out that the poor spend their hard earned money on expenses and liabilities, things that take money out of their pockets. The rich and the wealthy, rather, spend money on assets and things that bring them more money.

That’s what The Money Multiplier is. It’s a machine, or a process, that keeps your money in your pocket. The first rule of the wealthy that most people aren’t taught is that to be wealthy, you must buy assets first.

Here is what you’re doing: You have $1 in your pocket. Traditional financial knowledge tells you to spend that $1 on something you need and work for another dollar to spend on something else you need.

Here is what you should be doing instead: You have $1 in your pocket. You use that $1 on a contract that guarantees you 4% growth each year. And that 4% growth ensures that you can watch your money grow while still using it on what you need and leaving it to your family all at the same time. This is how true wealth is acquired. And this is exactly how The Money Multiplier operates.

money-2696234_1280It gives you a real place to put your money, guaranteeing at least 4% growth, while still having access to that money and creating generational wealth.

The Money Multiplier is an asset.When used as recommended, it can bring you lasting wealth without changing your cash flow, requiring you to work any harder, taking on any additional risk, or losing control of your finances.

It’s what the wealthy use and have been using for over 200 years. Maybe it’s time you saw what it can do for you, too.

To learn more about this method and what it can do for you, please visit www.TheMoneyMultiplier.com , scroll to the very bottom and click on “Member Area.” Enter the password “bankwithbrent” and watch the presentation that appears on the next page.

When you’re ready to get started on creating your financial legacy or if you have more questions, please email us at [email protected], or give us a call at 386-456-9335, and one of our mentors will be in touch with you.